This is a very comprehensive report that the European Commission has just published this Wednesday, January 14th. The institution focused on ads placed by 576 influencers in 22 member states on platforms such as Facebook, X, Snapchat, Twitch and TikTok. The least we can say is that most people don’t play the game and don’t respect the laws in force.

In detail, 97% of the influencers examined posted commercial publications. But only 20% of them always said it was advertising! In a country like France, sponsorship that is not clearly established can be viewed as a fraudulent business practice. It is because of this is punished with a fine of 300,000 euros and two years in prison.

Promoting dangerous activities

Worse still, in its study, the commission estimated that 119 influencers promoted unhealthy or dangerous activities. This is the case with advertising for junk food, alcohol, medical or aesthetic treatments, gambling or even investing in cryptocurrencies.

While the major platforms have used tools to better identify the promotional nature of a publication, these are still very little used. 38% of the influencers examined did not use these devices. However, 40% of content creators who advertised used them throughout their publication, which represents an improvement over the past.

In a press release accompanying the publication of this report we can read: “Problematic business practices highlight the importance of modern, robust legislation to ensure digital fairness for consumers online.”.

Sanctions are starting to fall

As we understand, the European Commission is clearly not satisfied with these results. The Brussels-based institute doesn’t want to stop there and reports that the national consumer protection authorities will subject 358 influencers to a detailed examination.

You will be contacted and asked to comply with the applicable rules. The Commission adds this “Other repressive measures may be taken if necessary in accordance with national procedures.”.

In France, the law now strictly regulates the activities of influencers, and the first sanctions have also been imposed as we tell it here.

What you need to consider:

  • In a report, the European Commission identifies influencers
  • Most content creators still don’t report their sponsored posts
  • In France in particular, sanctions are beginning to fall

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