New parents sometimes have to experience this bitterly. When you search for advice on the Internet, you can find both very relevant, reliable sources and other biased and completely unnecessary information. Therefore, it is quite difficult to sort through all these resources.

Relevant parenting advice

A new application developed by the American startup Oath Care provides a solution. This AI, called ParentGPT, was launched on the other side of the Atlantic last October. It is currently not available in France, but its concept remains very interesting.

Therefore, this service is aimed primarily at new mothers who sometimes suffer from psychological problems that arise precisely from the birth of a child and the lack of appropriate advice.

ParentGPT works in the same way as ChatGPT and therefore it is possible to discuss specific parenting problems with this chatbot. This way, a mother seeking advice on breastfeeding will receive accurate information on the subject. It must be said that this AI was trained from medical journals that were deemed credible on certain topics.

And since there isn’t always an exact science on these sensitive topics, users can also get a second opinion. They are then returned to the community created by Oath Care. The latter includes experts and employees of the startup.

Crushable was able to test ParentGPT by asking questions like: Why is breastfeeding so difficult? How do I discipline my child without traumatizing him? How can I balance my schedule between my work and my personal life? How does divorce affect children? Our colleagues are convinced that the answers arrived very quickly and were generally satisfactory.

A key question remains: What is ParentGPT’s economic model? Currently, this service costs $5 per month or $48 per year. It is not necessarily very expensive, considering that the platform offers the possibility of obtaining professional advice and that it seems to work well. However, it remains a contradiction that an application supposedly aimed at mothers from families with modest incomes offers a paid service.

What you need to consider:

  • ParentGPT works like ChatGPT and answers questions from new parents
  • The service generally works well
  • However, it is paid and is not yet available in France
