If you contribute to open source projects on Github, Gitlab, or Bitbucket and deal with countless issues, questions, and pull requests every day, here is an AI-powered tool designed to help you provide a service.

This tool is PR Agent and was developed by CodiumAI. This is an AI agent that leverages GPT-4 and is able to take your load off by automatically generating clear and concise pull request descriptions, performing automated code reviews, or simply answering people’s questions. And you are constantly resting.

PR Agent is also able, similar to a Github copilot, to make suggestions for improving the code in your repository and of course write commits when necessary.

To do this, simply use the following commands after starting PR-Agent:

  • Automatic description (/describe): Automatically generates a description of the PR (Pull Request) – title, type, summary, code description and tags.
  • Automatic verification (/Review): Adjustable feedback on the main topic of the PR, its type, relevant tests, security issues, rating and various suggestions for PR content.
  • Answer to questions (/questions …): Answer to free text questions about PR.
  • Code suggestions (/improve): Suggestions for committable code to improve PR.
  • Changelog update (/update_changelog): Automatically updates the CHANGELOG.md file with PR changes.
  • Find a similar problem (/similar_issue): Similar issues are automatically retrieved and displayed.
  • Add documentation (/add_docs): Automatically adds documentation for functions/classes not documented in the PR.
  • Generate custom labels (/generate_labels): Automatically suggests custom labels based on PR code changes.

In short, a big time saver. If you want to test it before deploying it to your repositories, this can be done in the public Codium AI repository by invoking the agent as follows: @CodiumAI-Agent /COMMAND

It’s your turn !

PR agent is available here and can be installed directly via Docker.
