After we introduce you WirePiUS or Netmaker that make it easy to create VPN networks based on Wireguard, I would like to introduce NetBird to you today.

With this free software, which can be installed on a server in less than 5 minutes, you can create a secure private network for your organization or simply your small home.

As you have probably understood, the idea is to connect multiple remote locations or simply share large and confidential files with your colleagues in complete security. The Netbird platform combines a zero-configuration Wireguard VPN, a centralized access control system and uses WebRTC ICE, STUN and TURN to establish connections between machines.

Of course, double authentication is included, as you can see in the following video:

To install NetBird you need Docker with docker-compose and JQ + Curl installed.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A Linux machine with at least 1 CPU and 2 GB of RAM.
  • The machine must be publicly accessible via TCP ports 80 and 443 and UDP: 3478, 49152-65535.
  • A public domain name that points to the machine.
  • Docker is installed on the computer using the Docker-Compose plugin (Docker Installation Guide).
  • jq installed. jq is generally available in official repositories and can be installed using the command
    sudo apt install jq
    sudo yum install jq
  • Curl installed. Curl is usually available in official repositories and can be installed using the command
    sudo apt install curl
    sudo yum install curl

Download and run the installation script:

export; curl -fsSL | bash

This script downloads and runs the NetBird installation on your computer. You will be prompted to enter the public domain name you want to use for NetBird.

Then start the NetBird service:

docker-compose up -d

This command starts all Docker containers required to run NetBird.

Once the installation is complete, you can manage NetBird resources via Docker-Compose. For example, to restart the NetBird service, you can run the following command:

docker-compose restart netbird

You can then access the NetBird web interface using your public domain name.

Great, right? It’s never been easier to have a virtual private network, and of course it’s highly secure. All you need is a small Linux box and I’m set.

You will get more information about Netbird here.
