Ah, the 90s! How cool was that! Every new game was a revolution and this era gave birth to many classics, including one of the most famous futuristic racing games: wipe outReleased in 1995 for PlayStation 1.

The good news is that there is a new implementation of this great game by the name wipEout Rewrite. Thanks to the original source code leaked in 2022, the developer behind this rewrite managed to adapt the game to work on the platforms SDL2 And Sokolwith support for game controllers. This new version is available for Linux and various Unix operating systemsincluding FreeBSD, OpenBSD and of course macOS.

It is possible for Windows, although it takes a little more effort to compile. It’s still best to test this legendary game directly online by clicking here. The keys are X to accelerate, Z to shoot, C/V to brake and A to change view.

Beyond the simple rewrite, the developer also added the following Improvements and features not implemented in the original game. These include improvements to collisions, lighting and field of view.

Despite the controversial fact that wipEout Rewrite Due to a source code theft, this remaster gives us a fascinating look at the development of video games in the ’90s. The original developers had to overcome many challenges related to hardware and 3D. For example the Rendering management in wipEout was based on a library called LIBGPU that handled perspective calculations on a PSX coprocessor. To successfully complete this rewrite in 2023, it was necessary not only to understand how LIBGPU works, but also to reimplement it for modern platforms.

In short, overall is the wipEout rewrite project is a great example of what is possible with a little passion and determination. If you’re interested in taking a look at the sources or just playing the game, then it’s for you on Github that it is happening.

Ah, and in the same sense there is that too Wipe Out Phantom.
