Yes, train tickets are expensive. No, SNCF is not entirely responsible. We should remember this from the Instagram publication of MEP Pierre Larrouturou, known for his commitment to climate.

In his contribution he refers to a recent study published by Greenpeace which showed that in France Train tickets are on average 2.6 times more expensive than plane tickets. For example, the price of a Bordeaux-Strasbourg plane ticket was 83 euros, compared to 186 euros for the train journey, according to prices recorded on February 9, 2024. Why such prices?

France, tollmaster

The answer to this question lies in the structure of the cost of a train ticket. By breaking down these costs, we discover that Only 30% of the ticket goes to SNCF10% is VAT, 20% is electricity costs and, surprisingly, 40% is rail tolls. The latter allows trains to use the network and accounts for a significant portion of the final ticket price.

The high costs of rail tolls in France are particularly noticeable compared to other European countries. On average, In France the toll is 8.09 euros per kilometer, in Italy it is only 2.77 euros and in Sweden it is 1.45 euros. This striking difference can be explained by the way the railway infrastructure is financed in France: while the European states have chosen to keep their hands in their pockets, the French government has opted for a model in which the Financing takes place Travelers bear these costs.

But not ecology

For Pierre Larrouturou, this situation highlights a deeper problem. According to the Allianz pro Schiene, a rail defense organization, France is the country in Europe that invests the least in its railway networkwith only 46 euros per inhabitant in 2022. In comparison, Germany and the Netherlands (European rail model) are investing 114 euros and 575 euros per inhabitant respectively.

Given these figures, the SNCF has called on the state to invest a massive 100 billion euros in rail by 2040, or around 6 billion euros per year, to promote greener mobility. However, the 2024 budget does not provide for this not even 0.3 billion euros invested in the railwayThis shows a blatant lack of commitment to improving the French rail network.

This price and investment situation not only poses a problem for the accessibility of rail transport for French citizens, but also raises questions about the political will to promote more sustainable transport alternatives.

  • Train tickets in France cost on average 2.6 times more than plane tickets, largely due to the high cost of train fees.
  • Funding for rail infrastructure depends mainly on travelers in France, the country that invests least in trains in Europe.
  • The SNCF is demanding massive investments from the state to promote green mobility, but the current budget does not reflect this necessary commitment.

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